Firefox for linux on mac

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'CAPABILITY_NMSG 0x08 If set to 1, authenticator DOES NOT implement CTAPHID_MSG function ' However, on Linux (and MACOSx) when using a demo web site such as the authenticator receives a U2F message (CTAPHID_MSG - 0x83) instead even though the 'Get Info' is configured to indicate that FIDO2 is ONLY supported and CTAPHID_MSG is NOT supported: Looks like Firefox (currently using Firefox Developer Edition 74.0b9 (64-bit)) does not implement FIDO2 standard properly on Linux or MacOSx. NotAllowedError: The request is not allowed by the user agent or the platform in the current context, possibly because the user denied permission.

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please perform your verification gesture (e.g., touch it, or plug it in) The following error shows up on web page:Ĭontacting token. 'Credential request not processed by authenticator.